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“The Rooster Gallery” kindly invites you to the traditional exhibition by gallery artists “Openings”, that marks the end of the year and the start of the Christmas season. Annual summary of the gallery and artists’ activity this year, due to pandemic restrictions, will be of an unusual format, as the exhibition will be displayed on the special constructions in the windows of the “Skalvija” cinema centre.

The challenges of the recent year urged creators to rethink the concept of openness and its different aspects. Thus the exhibition actualizes its various forms and possibilities: from the opening of physical spaces and exhibition openings to an open artwork and openness to creative cooperations. Each artist also offers an individual perspective on the topic, focusing on its psychological, social, cultural aspects and/or artistic expression. So the exhibition creates openings to both personal and collective, universal experiences. Displayed in groups, the artworks not only offer their own narratives, but also form a network of stories. And through the openings into the city and its architecture, they lure the passers-by into this conversation.

Participating artists: Raminta Blaževičiūtė, Tomas Daukša, Eglė Karpavičiūtė, Vytautas Kumža, Alina Melnikova, Auksė Miliukaitė, Eglė Norkutė, Vita Opolskytė, Andrius Zakarauskas.

The Rooster Gallery’s events are kindly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture and Vilnius City Municipality

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