Tomas Daukša (b. 1988) is an artist of the young generation, currently a postgraduate student of the Vilnius Academy of Arts. From 2009, he has been an active participant in group exhibitions in Lithuania and elsewhere, and has held several solo exhibitions. His works have been presented in international contemporary art fairs and important art institutions (Contemporary Art Centre (Vilnius), Klaipeda Culture Communication Center). In 2013, Daukša became a recipient of Ary Stillman fellowship.
In his work Daukša is interested in the relations between various systems and their elements. The artist either himself creates or observes the already existing systems – electronic, biologic and communal. With a scientist’s dedication he documents the phenomena that are taking place there, creates models and mock-ups, experiments with physical phenomena (sound and light). Yet, unlike scientists, the artist does not seek objective proofs of a statement or a fact. His research always leaves some space for mystery, omission, imagination and chance. As a researcher, he quite frequently does not keep the distance from a research object, and affects the systems that he creates or replicates, thus influencing the course of the research. The viewer also often gets involved in the play with facts and fiction. Thus the result is often unpredictable, different each time and not necessarily important – attention is focused on the process itself, and the temporal and cyclical character of the research, action etc. is emphasised.
Having started to study painting, today Daukša has expanded the range of his work and presents his research in various forms – sculptures, paintings, installations, photographic documents and schemes. Despite his research methods based on scientific logic, he artist dedicates much attention to the visual aspect of his works: volumes and forms, proportions, materiality and spatial arrangement. His works combine an attractive aesthetic form and conceptual contents.
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